The movie follows Casey, a Drug Runner forced to take up on final job to get the money needed for his girlfriend's kidney transplant operation...however things go South pretty damn fast and it's a non-stop chase for Casey to save the love of his life.
The script is pretty cliché and corny in a lot of places, however the strong and talented set of actors manage to rise above it and make the story and chain of events very fun and enjoyable to watch. Ben Kingsley and Anthony Hopkins are clearly having fun in their roles, Nicholas Hoult is a good leading protagonist and Felicity Jones is always good in her roles due to her likeable and charming personality.
The action sequences are very well done, those who are worried the movie has any shaky cam or quick cut bullshit will be pleased to know that none of that is present in this movie. Everything is presented very well here, it moves at an exciting pace so you aren't bored but it doesn't give you a goddamn headache either. Lots of very intense and fun car chases although you will laugh at the cliché of the bad guys being the dumbest villains ever as they have numerous chances to kill our hero but decide to monologue our hero plenty of opportunity to just punch them and escape...oh's still fun.
I saw a lot of reviews calling the movie boring, but I highly disagree with this. Sure the first 20 mins may be a little slow but around the half-hour mark..the movie is a non-stop chase with Hoult out running psycho thugs and I was never bored at all.
Collide is a lot of fun, if you want a good action movie to relax with it gets a very positive thumbs up.
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