The film follows a Tank crew during the Battle of the Bulge, they have to make it to an extraction point before the American bombers destroy the area but after they find out an orphanage is in danger they quickly make a last minute decision to save them and try their hardest to make it out alive.
A major disappointment is the lack of tank battles, there is a 5 minute battle sequence as the film opens but the characters spend the majority of the film sneaking around the forest on foot, not that matters as I still really enjoyed the battle scenes and sense of adventure despite the low budget effects. Also people who like to nit-pick things like 'Those are the wrong rifles' or 'That tank is firing the wrong shell' should probably avoid this.
The actors are unknown but they do a really good job, the lead Tom Stedham as Sgt. Lance Dawson is a very likable character, the whole film he wants to do the right thing and save as many people as he can. Even though Bill Voorhees' character Private C.K. Luinstra starts out as a jerk, I grew to like his character and loved seeing him get his "Crowning Moment of Awesome" at the end.
Ardennes Fury is definitely low budget and has it's silly moments but it's the kind of movie I watch and enjoy anyway. I know I keep saying phrases like "But I still enjoyed it" but it's true, so long as a movie is entertaining and fun to watch....I call it a good movie.
Since the people behind this film (The Asylum) are much more well known for movies like Sharknado. It's very likely Ardennes Fury will get ignored by most film audiences but in my opinion it's one of the better films they have put out
I really enjoyed Ardennes Fury and give it a positive thumbs-up!
I was never a fan of those bad CGI effects they always use in the SciFi movies and did not know is was them who made this movie. so now it makes sense. Thank you for clearing that up Marchus, it was pretty damn bad.
ReplyDeleteThe lead GI and the girl in distress were awful actors, I expect they never did any acting before but were cheap. But I do agree the lead Evil German officer did a great job, I even watched the making of the movie and honestly they should just have made it all with him. Solid actor who seem to work over hard to carry this film. Fighting his way up stream against the bad CGI was an impossibly task for Struckmann. Give him something in a bigger role in bigger films and leave the rest as extras.